Travel Tips | Sustainable Outdoor Gear and Adventure Travel Hiking, Camping, Backpacking, and Travel Thu, 02 Jan 2025 20:40:49 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Travel Tips | Sustainable Outdoor Gear and Adventure Travel 32 32 146052273 Are REI Adventures Worth It? I Went to Sedona to Find Out. Thu, 09 May 2024 16:00:00 +0000 Whether you don't like to hike or travel solo, can't convince anyone from your friends or family group to join you on an exploratory hiking trip, or you simply like the camaraderie and all-inclusive pre-planned schedule group trips offer, a fully guided group trip may be for you. And if you love the outdoors, chances are you've heard about REI Adventures trips, which are packed with hiking, camping, lodges, and plenty of other outdoorsy fun. But are REI Adventures worth it (or any group hiking trip, for that matter)? I recently joined REI on their Sedona, Arizona luxury hiking trip to see what these sorts of experiences are all about and who is sure to enjoy them (and who probably won't).

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How to Travel with a Bike by Air (And Two Rad Travel Bags Perfectly Suited for the Task) Fri, 19 Apr 2024 00:50:52 +0000 Ever wanted to travel with your bike to a cool mountain bike (or gravel bike, or road bike) destination, but didn't because you looked at the cost of renting a decent steed for the week and had a low-grade heart attack? Fortunately, road trips aren't the only option if you want to travel with a bike: you can absolutely fly with a bike, too. Yes, fly with your bike. As in, check it as luggage when you’re jetting from one destination to another on a commercial airline. Exciting stuff, right? So we're gonna break down how to do it, what to expect, and then compare two excellent bike travel bags so you can take your bike with you the next time you fly to a place with gnarly single track to shred!

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Flying with Backpacking Gear: Is a Backpack a Carry On? What Gear Can I Carry On? Thu, 16 Mar 2023 18:38:27 +0000 We travel a lot here at Terradrift. Frequently with all our outdoor gear in tow. And occasionally, that travel is via airplane. But we hate checking luggage. It costs too much, there's a chance it gets lost or delayed, and then we have to wait for it once we reach our destination. So if we can, we prefer to carry on our luggage. But is a backpack a carry on? Can full on backpacking backpacks be carried on instead of checked? Will a backpack fit in the overhead bin? Short answer: Sometimes. Read on to learn more.

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Free National Park Days This Year [2025] Thu, 19 Jan 2023 17:49:08 +0000 There are a total of 5 fee free national park days in 2023, which means you can get into any of the more than 400 parks, monuments and conservations areas, many of which usually charge a pretty penny, for free (or almost free)! And we highly recommend you take advantage of these days if you're traveling on a budget, hoping to save some dough on your next adventurous outing, or you're looking for any old excuse to visit a national park near you (or not so near you). Which you totally should, 'cause they're pretty dang great! So if you're ready to enjoy some seriously epic landscapes, pack the camera and start planning! And remember that you'll still need to make reservations ahead of time at some national parks (we'll tell you which ones).

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Is the Best Way to Search for Award Flights?! [Full Review] Fri, 19 Aug 2022 13:10:34 +0000 We recently discovered a new, multi-airline, travel search platform called, which bills itself as a better way to book airfare with points. Naturally, we had to dive in to see how it works, if it's any easier than the other search options out there, and whether it's worth the membership fee! The answer: It depends. Intrigued? You should be. Read on to learn more about the award search website and who will benefit most from using it.

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Overlanding: 5 Ways to be a More Sustainable Tue, 09 Aug 2022 20:00:09 +0000 We recently connected with experienced outdoorist Sonya Staples, Co-founder of Staples InTents, to talk about how anyone can get involved in Overlanding (and do it more sustainably). And just in time for their special event, no less: The Gathering, a weekend of outdoor adventure, nature, and skill-building in Colorado designed specifically for black and brown folks, who are frequently underrepresented and excluded from outdoor activities (Aug. 18-22). And since we can totally get behind people and projects that promote equality in the outdoors, we invited Sonya to tell us a bit about her and her husband Nacota, their journey, and how to be a more sustainable overlander. So read on for the 5 easy and useful tips!

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Carbon Credits: How to Offset Flights for More Sustainable Travel Thu, 07 Jul 2022 18:17:01 +0000 Want to plan more sustainable travel? Leave a lighter footprint when you jet across the country or around the world? Plan a more eco-friendly drive/hotel/experience? You can! While making more sustainable choices like flying in coach, staying in sustainable hotels, or renting a hybrid are often the best first course of action if you want to reduce your carbon footprint, you can also offset flights, stays, road trips and more to balance your carbon usage when you travel–or even tip the scales into the negatives. We'll tell you how to do it easily–and why you should.

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Packing List: 5 Things to Pack for More Sustainable Travel Tue, 28 Jun 2022 21:13:00 +0000 When we travel, we tread lightly. We want to leave every place we visit better than we found it whether we're backpacking, road tripping, visiting national parks, or jetting around the world. And while sustainable travel encompasses lots of different things, from which tours you book to what mode of transportation you use to get there to where you lay your head at night, what you pack can set you up for a more sustainable adventure. So no matter where you're headed, for business, pleasure, or a bit of both, here are 5 things to pack so you can travel better.

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How to Find the Perfect Campsite (No matter Where you Roam) Thu, 06 May 2021 15:45:00 +0000 We all want the perfect campsite every time we pitch our tent: an amazing view, a nice shade tree, safe surroundings, a secluded spot so you can poop in the woods without worrying whether anyone is going to wander past...But finding the perfect site is easier said than done. Fortunately, there are ways to locate just what you want (or need) no matter where you find yourself. So here are some tips for how to find the perfect campsite whether you're headed deep in the backcountry or setting up at a nearby state park.

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Road Trip Essentials – What to Pack For an Epic Road Trip Thu, 20 Aug 2020 20:50:53 +0000 A lot of travel plans got canceled this year. International travel is largely off-limits and most people aren't too keen on the idea of flying across the country, either. So naturally, a lot of folks are shifting travel plans to include road trips. And while we can't in good conscience recommend you embark upon "The Great American Roadtrip" this year, a close-to-home jaunt may be an acceptable alternative (as long as you do it safely and responsibly). But driving across the country or across the state still comes with its own set of complications (even if you don't require a passport), so we're gonna break it down. Here's a solid list of road trip essentials that we've compiled based on years of experience (and more than a few flat tires and empty peanut butter jars) and an assumption that you, as we do, will be avoiding crowded hotels in lieu of socially distant campsites this year.

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