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What to Wear Snowshoeing: The Best Sustainable Clothing and Gear

We’re big fans of snowshoeing. We love hitting quiet, powdery trails no one else is on, layering up, and hiking to enjoy a snack and a hot beverage with a view (and we always bring a hot beverage). Do empty trails, wildlife sightings, and stunning scenery sound good to you, too? Then gear up! ‘Cause snowshoeing offers it all. But if you’re not sure what to wear snowshoeing or what gear you need, allow us to recommend some of our favorite clothing and gear for the task. Bonus: it’s all more sustainable than your average tech shirt.

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Snowshoe Review: MSR Snowshoes for Big Spenders AND the Budget Conscious

Snowshoes. We love ’em. They allow us to get outside and blaze trails all winter long, no matter how much white powder covers the route. Indeed, we’re convinced they’re an essential piece of gear every outdoorist should keep in their closet. But with so many options to choose from (and so many price points!), how can one possibly be convinced they’re getting the best snowshoes for the money? We recently tested two pairs of snowshoes from MSR and will help you map out the differences, plus answer some of your burning questions, like what snowshoes to buy, if expensive snowshoes are worth it, or which MSR snowshoes are the best of the best. Read on.

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MSR Revo Trail Vs. TSL Symbioz Hyperflex Instinct [Snowshoe Showdown]

Snowshoes. We love ‘em. They’re super handy for, you know, walking on snow. Because nobody likes post-holing in a foot and a half of powder over three miles when you’re just trying to enjoy a scenic winter hike. But there are tons of snowshoe options out there and, frankly, most of ‘em aren’t terribly sustainable. But we found two that do, in fact, leave a lighter footprint–no pun intended–and we’re gonna compare them so you can pick the best snowshoes for you. So allow us to introduce you to the MSR Revo snowshoes and the TSL Symbiox Hyperflex Instinct, two different snowshoes for different types of snowshoers (and terrain). We’ll help you figure out which one is right for you.

Read More about MSR Revo Trail Vs. TSL Symbioz Hyperflex Instinct [Snowshoe Showdown]