Hiking burns a lot of calories. Like, a lot of calories. Especially if you’re slogging uphill for hours, carrying a heavy load, or covering a lot of miles in a short period of time. How many calories? Well, that depends. On how much you weigh and how hard you’re working, for starters. But don’t worry, we’ve worked it all out for you in this handy calorie calculator so you can easily figure out how many calories you burn while hiking (and how many calories you should eat while hiking). Then, if you need some ideas for how to fuel up, subscribe for a free e-book full of vegan backcountry cooking recipes (including hiking snacks), and stock up on these vegan staples you can order from Amazon (we like vegan jerky best). Now fuel up and get out there and wander on!
Need more outdoor inspiration? Check out some of our gear guides and adventure recommendations! Because we’re all about getting outside more and doing it responsibly. Environmentally speaking, that is! So whether you’re in Colorado or California, Texas (that’s us!) or Tennesee, Montana or Maine, there are plenty of places and spaces to get outside and enjoy. Just make sure to keep the engine stoked with this calorie calculator, follow Leave No Trace principles while you’re out there and subscribe so you never miss destination guides, gear reviews, sustainability spotlights and more! Wander on!
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