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Ready to get outside for some adventure? We thought so. Here’s where you’ll find tips and tricks, trip ideas, stories of our own excursions, and how to get into different outdoor activities. Wander on!

Are REI Adventures Worth It? I Went to Sedona to Find Out.

Whether you don’t like to hike or travel solo, can’t convince anyone from your friends or family group to join you on an exploratory hiking trip, or you simply like the camaraderie and all-inclusive pre-planned schedule group trips offer, a fully guided group trip may be for you. And if you love the otdoors, chances are you’ve heard about REI Adventures trips, which are packed with hiking, camping, lodges, and plenty of other outdoorsy fun. But are REI Adventures worth it (or any group hiking trip, for that matter)? I recently joined REI on their Sedona, Arizona luxury hiking trip to see what these sorts of experiences are all about and who is sure to enjoy them (and who probably won’t).

Read More about Are REI Adventures Worth It? I Went to Sedona to Find Out.

5 of the Best Hikes near Austin, Texas (From My New Guidebook!)

I wrote a guidebook!! I know, right?! Exciting stuff! It’s called Hiking Texas Hill Country, published by the inimitable Falcon Guides. And it was a looooooot of work, so I’m stoked to finally see it come into the world! (Some of you may remember we lived in Austin for 8 years, give or take a year or so to travel). As a teaser, I wanted to share 5 of the best hikes near Austin that are included in the book to whet your appetite, encourage you to lace up your boots, and consider buying the book, which offers everything from descriptions of flora and fauna to turn-by-turn hiking directions to epic imagery to inspire adventure! The official release date is May 7, 2024, but you can pre-order the book HERE and it will be shipped to you as soon as it drops! Or stop by your favorite independent local bookstore and request they order it for you (we love supporting local bookstores). But while you wait, here are some of our favorite hikes from the guidebook.

Read More about 5 of the Best Hikes near Austin, Texas (From My New Guidebook!)

Looking for an Epic Adventure? Hiking in Austria: The Arlberg Trail

Three days, 32 miles (well, 25 if you do it right), 5 towns, 3 hotels, and a whole lotta mountains. Also ups and downs. LOTS of ups and downs. THIS is hiking in Austria: The Arlberg Trail.
We completed the shiny new trail this September (it opened in 2022) and it. Was. Magical. We’re talking wildlife, majestic landscapes as far as the eye can see, alpine lakes, mountain huts, colorful villages each night, and three days of non-stop, jaw-dropping, holy-cow-these-photos-are-gonna-be-unbelievable vistas.
We’re talking a once-in-a-lifetime experience, here (for most people anyway…we’d totally go back and do it again). Think you’re up for it? Here’s everything you need to know about hiking in Austria on the Arlberg Trail, from the route, to mileage, to booking, to where to eat, and more.

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Our Favorite Vegan Hiking Snacks

We. Love. Snacks. True story. If I could just snack all day long every single day I would be a happy camper. Fortunately, when we’re hiking and backpacking, we can snack practically all the time. And we do. Because your body needs more consistent fuel when you’re working hard. Our general rule of thumb on a hard, long hike: consume about 100 calories every hour or two. Fortunately, that’s easy to do when we’re fully stocked with our favorite hiking snacks. But if you’re in a snacking rut and tired of the same ol’ trail mix (we feel you), reach for one of these vegan, Terradrift-approved snacks for hiking and backpacking instead!

Read More about Our Favorite Vegan Hiking Snacks

Do Eco-Friendly Cruises Exist? We Went on an HX Hurtigruten Expeditions Cruise to See for Ourselves.

I hate cruises. They just aren’t for me. I find them boring, they don’t offer the adventure I crave, and the cruise industry as a whole is supremely unsustainable. So I surprised everyone–myself included–when I agreed to go on an HX Expedition cruise to East Greenland. Here’s why I gave the line a shot, including what sustainability had to do with it (and what I thought about the experience).

Read More about Do Eco-Friendly Cruises Exist? We Went on an HX Hurtigruten Expeditions Cruise to See for Ourselves.

Backpacking and Camping During Your Period: How to Have a Better Period Outdoors

Let’s talk about periods! And I’m not talking about punctuation! Yep, this guide to backpacking or camping during your period goes out to all the people out there who menstruate! Because we want to help you get outside to play even when you’re menstruating. Because being on your period while camping or hiking or kayaking or backpacking shouldn’t be scary and it shouldn’t keep you from recreating if you don’t want it to. So here are a few tips, tools, and advice for better (and more sustainable) periods outdoors.

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The Fjallraven Classic USA: Backpacking Colorado with 160 of My Closest Friends

I first learned about the Fjallraven Classic USA a few years ago. One day, I opened up my shiny new issue of Outside or Backpacker magazine (publications I now write for on a regular basis) and nestled inside was a small passport book with routes and info about the backpacking event in Colorado. Wow, I thought, this looks rad! And last month Fjallraven invited me to participate in the annual trip. I was excited and curious. What was this shindig all about? Who signed up for these sorts of things? Would I get to test any of Fjallraven’s vegan gear or clothing? What should I expect? Since I never turn down an invite to go backpacking, I obviously accepted and headed to Colorado to find out for myself. Curious? Read on.

Read More about The Fjallraven Classic USA: Backpacking Colorado with 160 of My Closest Friends

Backpacking in Grand Teton National Park: Trip Report

In July, we headed to the mountains. The Tetons, to be precise. We loaded up the car, hit the road, and adventured our way all the way to Wyoming where we met up with my parents for our annual family backpacking trip, somehow managed to cram all of our stuff AND their stuff into our overloaded car, and prepared for some epic backpacking in Grand Teton National Park. Wanna go, too? Here’s our trip report, with deets, route info, and, of course, gear recommendations, to help you plan and pack for your own mountain adventure!

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Paddle & Pack: Kayaking and Backpacking the Buffalo River Trail in Arkansas

We planned a pack and paddle and kayaked down a chunk of the Buffalo River and then backpacked back up. It wasn’t easy to plan, but it was a ridiculous amount of fun, especially given how few people complete such a trip every year. Fortunately, we’re gonna lay the whole thing out for you here and now so if you get the crazy itch to pack and paddle the Buffalo River Trail, you’re already one step ahead.

Read More about Paddle & Pack: Kayaking and Backpacking the Buffalo River Trail in Arkansas