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A Workout You Can Do Anywhere – No Equipment Required

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Workout You Can Do Anywhere
That’s me on the left, Nickie on the right.

We travel a lot. And we don’t bring along a whole slew of weights with us when we do. Usually, it’s pushups and squats next to the car while we’re filling up the tank or in the corner of a hostel room for us. But that gets old and doesn’t offer a lot in the way of cardio conditioning to help prep us for big hikes, so we partnered up with Nickie Harris from Power Plant Nutrition, a vegan trainer friend of ours, to bring you an indoor/outdoor workout you can do anywhere, no equipment required. So grab the athleticwear and hit the grass (or the yoga studio or Airbnb living room or beach…)

The Workout You Can Do Anywhere

Start with the warmup. Do 15-20 reps of each to get your muscles warmed up and primed to go. Then, move straight into the workout. It’s a circuit, which means you should do the required reps for each of the exercises, then repeat the whole thing 2-3 times. Let’s get sweaty!

Warmup (Do 15-20 reps of each move)

  • Lizard Lunge T’s
    Start in high plank position, then bring your left foot forward and plant it outside your left hand. Turn your torso to the left and lift your left hand straight up into the sky. Lower, then return to plank position and repeat on other side for one rep.
  • Mountain Climbers
    Start in high plank position, then pull one knee toward the same side elbow. Return to plank position. Repeat on other side for one rep.
  • Down Dog/Plank
    Start in high plank position, then push back, raising hips to the sky for downward dog. Return to start for one rep.
  • Bear Squats
    Start in tabletop position, but with knees hovering about 3 inches above the mat. Raise hips to the sky for downward dog and return to tabletop (with knees hovering) for one rep.
  • Sumo Squat Taps
    Start with feet wider than hip-width, toes pointed outward slightly. Lower into a squat and tap your fingertips on the mat, careful to keep your back straight and not to extend your knees over your toes. Return to standing for one rep.
  • Skater Jumps
    Start in a low curtsy lunge, then leap to the opposite side of the mat and lower into a curtsy lunge with the opposite leg. Repeat for required number of reps.

Workout (Repeat the circuit 2-3 times)

• Bear Single-Side Balance (10x Each Side)
Start in tabletop position but with knees hovering 3 inches above your mat. Slowly raise your left hand and right knee and hold for one breath. Repeat on other side.

• Jumping Lunges (20x)
Start in a low lunge, then jump straight up, switching your forward leg and quickly lowering down into a lunge on the other side to complete one rep.

• Plank Reaches (20x Alternating)
Start in low plank position, then reach one arm forward, pausing for a breath. Return to start and repeat on the other side to complete one rep.

• Broad Jumps (15x)
Start in standing position, then jump forward, landing in a low squat. Stand and repeat 15 times.

• Plank Knee-to-Elbow (20x Alternating)
Start in plank position. Keeping your hips down, bring one knee to the same side elbow, looking back at your knee. Return to plank position and repeat on the other side.

• Single-Leg Bridge Lifts (10x Each Side)
Start on your back and raise one leg in the air. Push up through your hips and push your heel in the air. Lower back down and repeat 10x. Switch legs, and repeat on the other side.

Get to it!

This full-body workout you can do anywhere will call on everything from your legs to your arms to your core to build strength and stability, both of which are necessary for all your outdoor exploits. And, ya know, life in general. So get moving no matter where you are! And if you happen to be located in Austin and want some personal training to keep you on track, give Nickie a call! Wander on!