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Hiking Trail Search

hiking trails
Hiking in Big Bend National Park

Think you’ve hiked all the trails near you? Know you haven’t but not sure what else is out there? Need a break from your usual haunts but need some destination inspiration? Look no further than this hiking trail search tool to locate hikes near you. Powered by Hiking Project, it uses your phone’s or computer’s GPS to help you locate trails near you, wherever that may be. As an added bonus, the map also highlights REI locations so, I dunno, if you need to stock up on protein bars or a new pair of hiking shoes before you hit the trail you’ll be ready! So stop searching for “hiking near me” in Google and crossing your fingers for solid results. Just pull up this map for a visual representation of where you can lace up those boots, a description of what the trails are like, and some photos for good measure, then get out there and get hiking! Wander on!

Need more outdoor inspiration? Check out some of our gear guides and adventure recommendations! Because we’re all about getting outside more and doing it responsibly. Environmentally speaking, that is! So whether you’re in Colorado or California, Texas (that’s us!) or Tennesee, Montana or Maine, there are plenty of places and spaces to get outside and enjoy. Just make sure to follow Leave No Trace principles while you’re out there and subscribe so you never miss destination guides, gear reviews, sustainability spotlights and more! Wander on!

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