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5 Unique Ways to Brew Camp Coffee

I’m addicted to coffee. It’s a problem, I know, but there are worse things to be addicted to, right? Thing is, we have a habit of drinking some pretty bad coffee on the trail. Instant was a staple for quite some time. I blame it on the fact that I am a minimalist when it comes to backpacking and I don’t like to carry the extra weight of complex devices (like this personal press that weighs more than I’m willing to carry). However, there are plenty of ways to make a cuppa on the trail and many of them don’t take up that much room in your pack or weigh a ton. Here are 5 ways to make coffee while backpacking or camping.

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9 Vegan Hiking Socks – Hiking Socks without Wool

When most people head to their local outdoor store to stock up on socks, one thing you’ll see everywhere is wool, which is a no-go for vegan hikers who eschew animal by-products on an ethical, environmental, or animal welfare basis (check out our post on why we avoid wool). But synthetic hiking socks can be trickier to locate. Fortunately, we found 9 vegan hiking socks made entirely without wool so you can explore blister free.

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The Best Vegan Hiking Boots and Shoes of 2025

I hate shopping for new hiking boots and shoes. I don’t know if my feet are weird or I’m too cheap or too picky, (it’s likely a combination of all of the above) but add in the necessity that my hiking boots contain no animal products, and finding footwear that fits the bill is a veritable nightmare. Fortunately, we’ve done some of the legwork for you and found 20+ of the best vegan hiking boots and shoes so you can wander on confidently and cruelty-free. You’re welcome.

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