How to Wash Synthetic Clothing to Reduce Microplastics
Microplastics. Perhaps you’ve heard of them. They suck. They’re teeny tiny pieces of plastic materials that break apart and end up in waterways like streams, lakes and oceans, they pollute ecosystems and harm aquatic life, and they can’t be filtered out at wastewater treatment plants. Basically, they’re the worst. And as it turns out, a large percentage of microplastics actually originate from synthetic clothing and materials. And you know what clothing and materials are almost always made of synthetics? Outdoor clothing and materials. Yup. We’re part of the problem.
Fortunately, we can also be part of the solution. How? Well, since most of those microplastics come off of our synthetic clothing and gear right in our washing machines at home in the form of tiny broken fibers, we can take action to reduce and contain those broken fibers at the source. Here’s how.