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These Black Outdoor Bloggers are Diversifying the Outdoors

In honor of Black History Month, we thought we’d celebrate some of the adventurous and exceptional black outdoor bloggers and Instagrammers that are diversifying the outdoors and fighting for equal access and a brighter future for everyone on trails near and far! Because the truth is, the outdoors isn’t welcoming and accessible to people from all walks of life (unequal access to the outdoors is real), and we can’t abide by that. So as outdoorists and adventurers ourselves, we want to lift up the voices of those who are walking a different path than we are and promoting a more diverse and inclusive outdoors, one we can all enjoy. We follow and keep tabs on all of the wonderful people and organizations on this list and think you should, too! So follow along with their adventures, learn from them, laugh with them, and let’s hit the trail and together!

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Sustainable Snacks in Compostable Packaging to Fuel Your Adventure

The best snacks for hiking aren’t always the best snacks for the planet. Take jerky, for example: a perennial hiker favorite, is made from animal protein and therefore extremely harmful to the environment. Other snacks, like trail mix, are packaged in wasteful single-serve bags. Even multi-serving hiking snacks are almost always sold in single-use plastic or foil-lined bags. So if you’re looking for more sustainable snacks to keep you fueled on the trail, check out these snacks in compostable packaging for more sustainable snacking.

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5 Sustainability Hacks You Can Use on Your Next Camping Trip

There’s no question that we love camping and sustainability here at Terradrift, but many people overlook the importance of keeping things sustainable while you’re actually camping. But it’s just as important–if not more important–than at home. So if you want to preserve the beauty of the great outdoors, be proactive in your approach to sustainability when it comes to packing up your sustainable camping gear and heading off on your journey, but also when it comes to enjoying the campsite itself. So whether it’s about keeping your campsite clean or being mindful of the resources you use, here are five sustainability hacks that you can utilize on your next camping trip so you can be a sustainability superhero.

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An Intro to Bikepacking: Your Next Favorite Outdoor Adventure Sport

Thinking about getting started with bikepacking? We don’t blame you—while bikepacking isn’t exactly a new phenomenon, it’s grown in popularity and trendiness in recent years as more and more people notice the benefits of using a bike to explore the great outdoors. This self-supported style of mountain biking has sparked the imagination of many adventurers seeking to experience the world in a simpler, more sustainable way.

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10+ Dehydrated Vegan Backpacking Meals

We love to eat. That includes on the trail. In fact, that’s how you know it’s a good hike: when you’re working so hard you can’t wait to get to camp to set up and make dinner. And while we tend to take charge and prepare our own backpacking meals when we’re out in the wilderness (find a whole cookbook full of our plant-based backpacking recipes here), sometimes you just want to grab-and-go. By which we mean grab a pre-packaged meal off the shelf and hit the trail without all the measuring and prepping and bagging. So if that’s you, here are 7 pre-packaged vegan backpacking meals so you can fuel up without all the forethought.

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Terradrift’s 10 Rules for the Outdoors

We love being outside. We love it when others love being outside. We don’t love it when others don’t respect outside. So with more and more people heading outdoors these days, we thought it was high time that we discussed a few rules for the outdoors so all of us can enjoy the outdoors together. Some of these are suggestions that merely make the whole outdoor experience more pleasant for everyone involved, and some are hard and fast rules that can destroy delicate ecosystems (or your life) if not followed. So read up, then get outside and wander on!

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11 Vegan Hiking Snacks for your Next Outdoor Adventure

We reserve special snacks for trail days. Snacks like vegan jerky and stroop waffles.⁠ But if you’re looking to eat less meat and dairy on the trail, searching for ideas for vegan hiking snacks, or just looking to mix up your munchie game, here’s a list of some of the packable, un-crushable, calorie-dense things that fuel us on our adventures.

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