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Surprising Destinations: Bike Houston (A Self-Guided E-Bike Tour)

Houston is a big place. With lots of traffic. And very little parking. It can feel overwhelming. But that’s because it’s got a lot going on in the culture and food departments, not to mention history and business. So it’s definitely worth a visit. The only way to experience the city in our humble opinion? Bike Houston. E-bike Houston, to be precise. So you can go farther faster. That’s why we mounted a pair of electric steeds with Houstonian, cyclist, and micro mobility expert Doogie Roux: so we could zip around the city and feel the breeze in our hair and the sun on our faces, all while not having to worry about parallel parking. Here’s where we went, what we saw, ate, and experienced as we explored Houston by E-bike so you can replicate it on your own ride.

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Surprising Destinations: Outdoor Activities and History in Tulsa, Oklahoma

We’re not gonna lie. When Tulsa, Oklahoma was suggested to us as a rad, up-and-coming new destination, we thought someone was yanking our chain. I mean, Oklahoma? Really? But as it turns out, Tulsa’s got a lot going on, from cool places to play outside to good food to history. So don’t snub Tulsa for what you think it is; go explore and find out what the city’s really all about. Here’s our list of outdoor activities and historical attractions in Tulsa.

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Beat the Crowds on the Quiet Side of Great Smoky Mountains National Park

Great Smoky Mountains National Park, split between Tennesee and North Carolina, is the country’s most visited national park. Like, by a lot. A lot, a lot. This park, which is free to visit, btw, saw over 12 million visitors last year. Twelve! Million! The next most-visited park only saw a little over three! So yeah, it’s safe to say that the Smokies are overrun with tourists and visitors, especially if you’re on the south side of the park around the Blue Ridge Parkway. Fortunately, there’s a trick to avoiding the massive amounts of people (and traffic) rambling through the area: head to the quiet side of the Smokies, the northern edge where there are still picturesque hiking trails and adventures galore, just a lot fewer people. Wanna know what things to do on the peaceful side of the Smokies? Here’s what we recommend.

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Beginner Guide to Acadia National Park

Heading to Acadia National Park for the first time? Not sure where to start or what to expect? We feel you. We were wondering many of the same things not long ago. But since we were road tripping around the northeast, we figured we owed it to ourselves to visit the “Crown Jewel of the North Atlantic Coast.” So we did! And here’s what we learned.

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Backpacking on Isle Royale – Guide to Isle Royale National Park

Not gonna lie, a little over a year ago when my dad said, “I really wanna go backpacking in Isle Royale National Park next summer; wanna come?” I was 100% not sure where the heck Isle Royale even was. So after a quick map search (it’s an island in Lake Superior) and a brief discussion of whether it’s pronounced roy-al as in Royale with cheese or roil as in the royal family (park rangers use the latter pronunciation), followed by a hearty bout of laughter brought on by my parents thinking I plan more than a month in advance…Isle Royal National Park was suddenly very much on my radar.

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Surprising Destination: Things to do Outdoors in Beaumont, Texas

Beaumont, Texas isn’t on most people’s radar. Most Texans aren’t even aware of all the outdoorsy goodness this city in Southeast Texas has to offer. But allow us to remedy that! Because besides being the largest city between Houston and New Orleans, there’s plenty to entice outdoor enthusiasts to make Beaumont more than a pit stop on their way to someplace else (Big Thicket National Preserve, for starters). So grab your day pack and a dry bag or two and get moving! Because there are plenty of things to do outdoors in Beaumont.

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Surprising Destination: Explore Outdoorsy Door County, Wisconsin

If you’re like us, you read the title of this article and abruptly proclaimed, possibly out loud to an entirely vacant room, Where the heck is Door County, Wisconsin?! I get it. We didn’t know either until about two weeks ago. But that’s the whole dang point of these Surprising Destination features, isn’t it? To open your world to new, under-the-radar, totally legit destinations that nobody else is talking about but are still totally baller. So buckle up, because we’re about to introduce you to you new favorite place to lace up those boots and get hiking, kayaking, snowshoeing, leaf peeping, apple sampling, lighthouse touring…we could go on, but we’ll just let you keep reading and find out for yourself what a delightfully surprising and outdoorsy destination Door County truly is.

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3 Surprising Destinations with Great Fall Hikes

It’s fall, y’all! (FYI, we totally don’t say “y’all…) And if you’re like us, you’ve got cool-weather hikes with colorful foliage on the brain. Fortunately, across the country (yes, even in Texas–lookin’ at you, Sam Houston National Forest), you can indulge in fall hikes that are perfect for leaf peeping. We’ve rounded up 3 for you right here, right now, all of which we’ve personally experienced and know are hot spots for a cool outdoor adventure. So pack an extra layer and get going!

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Michigan Road Trip – An Outdoorsy Michigan Road Trip Itinerary

We grew up in Ohio. So it may come as a surprise that neither of us spent much time in Michigan growing up (for those of you who haven’t looked at a map in a while, the states share a small border). So when we got the opportunity to take a socially distant road trip this summer (we love road trips!) filled with plenty of camping, stunning hikes, brilliant night skies, and very cold lakes, we thought, Why not? So we packed the car and set out on one very impromptu and outdoorsy Michigan road trip. Here are the deets so you can recreate it if you feel so inclined.

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