An Inflatable Tent?! This is the Decathlon Quechua Fresh and Black Air Seconds.
Have you ever gone camping with a loved one, images of a delightfully relaxed weekend outing dancing in your head? And then watched those images promptly vanish in a puff of smoke as soon as tent setup begins and proceed to spend the next three days giving your partner the silent treatment? Or witnessed the couple in the campsite next to you argue over which tent pole goes where for a full 45 minutes? We’ve all been there. It’s no fun. But while we can’t recommend a good family therapist for couple’s counseling or tell the strangers next door that they should use kinder words, we CAN tell you about the innovative, Decathlon inflatable tent–yes, I said inflatable–for your next camping adventure that might just take some of the pain out of campsite setup: the Decathlon Quechua Fresh and Black Air Seconds.